Happier at Work? I thought that was a myth...


For me, July is one of the hardest months to get through of the year. Work starts picking up in prep for the fall launches, but I walk past windows wishing I was sitting by the pool or the beach. It's not that I don't like my job, because I do! I just find it hard to get through the monotonous, day-to-day work.

I found this article from the New York Times about "A Deceptively Simple Way to Find More Happiness at Work" and of course, I immediately clicked on it because who doesn't want to be happier at work, am I right?

It walks you through this exercise where you write down every task you do throughout the week in a "Love" or "Loathe" column (maybe some extreme words, but I appreciate the idea). Then you can find the nuances, similarities and where you come most alive at work.

"Understand what lights you up. Understand what you run toward. Understand where you are at your most energetic, your most creative, your most alive and then volunteer for that more and more. This, of course, a starting point. But this exercise gives you a road map about how to focus your time and energy on the things that get you excited. No one else can tell you what those things are, and discovering them can be transformative."

Read the Actual Article