Magic: Live from the USA


Four years ago on a road trip to Nashville with my mom and my best friend, I said, "Ben Rector has the best road trip music around, but he literally needs to write a song about driving." Then on his newest album, Magic, he wrote a song called "Drive." (Maybe he heard me!) I don't know if Liana or my mom remember me making that comment, but I do so I'm documenting it right here for the world (or just my subscribers) to see!

Anyway, he's one of my favorite artists so I thought I would share with you the Magic: Live from the USA. Here's why:

  • He somehow makes a studio album even better than the original feeding off the crowd and band's energy.

  • It's super 80's and that's totally trendy right now. (Anyone else have feelings about Stranger Things Season 3? Because I sure do.)

  • Ben knows his audience, loves them, & then gives them content that they want. His Instagram stories about the Y-hovers are all too #relatable in the best way.

  • He's a musician's musician. HE TEACHES PEOPLE WHEN TO CLAP AND WHEN TO NOT TO A SONG. Applause all around folks 👏👏👏👏

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