Magic: Live from the USA
Four years ago on a road trip to Nashville with my mom and my best friend, I said, "Ben Rector has the best road trip music around, but he literally needs to write a song about driving." Then on his newest album, Magic, he wrote a song called "Drive." (Maybe he heard me!) I don't know if Liana or my mom remember me making that comment, but I do so I'm documenting it right here for the world (or just my subscribers) to see!
Anyway, he's one of my favorite artists so I thought I would share with you the Magic: Live from the USA. Here's why:
He somehow makes a studio album even better than the original feeding off the crowd and band's energy.
It's super 80's and that's totally trendy right now. (Anyone else have feelings about Stranger Things Season 3? Because I sure do.)
Ben knows his audience, loves them, & then gives them content that they want. His Instagram stories about the Y-hovers are all too #relatable in the best way.
He's a musician's musician. HE TEACHES PEOPLE WHEN TO CLAP AND WHEN TO NOT TO A SONG. Applause all around folks 👏👏👏👏
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